January Sweater of the Month...Fini!
Things have been really busy here in el casa de monos. My dh has been grading feverishly because it is the end of his semester, and I am trying to get a chapter of my dissertation written up for publication and apply for jobs so that I can continue to eat and support my yarn habit post-graduation. Run-on sentences are a symptom of the resulting stress and lack of restful sleep.
However, I have been knitting a bit at weird hours. So here is my sweater progress:
Big Surprise....hourglass is done. I was debating on making it a bit shorter, but after blocking I think that I am happy with where it is. I'm officially sticking a fork in this one:
Pattern: Hourglass
Yarn: Rowanspun Aran in Heath
Needles: Addi circs US 7
Mods: Used the same slip stitch edging that Ashley did on her hourglass
Started: Around Christmas
Finished: Around last week (Maybe Jan. 20 ish)
The sweater looks the best (especially hourglassy) when I hold my arms like that, so if you see some freaky chick walkin' down the street with arms akimbo in a purple sweater....it may be me.
On to February's sweater:
Looking forward, I have swatched for Cheesy Puffs sweater for DH. I think I will start this one next, and do a bit on Erin at some point next month, as well. I'm thinking that I want to get ahead on the whole sweater a month thing, because I doubt I'll be as prolific when it gets warm out.
Also.....I bought a wheel! I LOVE my Lendrum, but haven't had much time to really play a whole lot. I have some starter wool that I am using, so I spun up two bobbins full and plied them, which resulted in this:
I think that it is more even, but now that I haven't touched it for a few weeks, I 'm afraid that I have lost any gains I may have made. I think that I need to just set aside a day a week and spin in the evening when I get home.
Also....some stash-busting progress. I haven't bought yarn this year. None. I also am keeping track of yarn skein number and poundage so that I can keep track on the whole stash resolutions thing. I will report on that after Zara is done.
And...since the sock stash resolution, I have finished two pairs of socks, and have three more on the needles (cable socks & ribbed lace form SKS, and one pair of plain vanilla pattern). Between the three sets on the needles, I have about 3 socks worth of knitting done. I am kind of stocking up on the completed socks, so that I can order some STR or Fearless Fibers or Fleece Artist in bulk. I am trying to wait to get more sock yarn until I have knitted up 9 pairs (so that I can order 3 skeins). I think that will work.
That's pretty much it. School and some knitting. yup. Have a great week, my non-existent audience!