Invitations and the resulting addiction
I have been invited to Ravelry! I am so excited. And impressed. Everyone said that it was addictive, and I really didn't believe them. I was wrong. I have a little OCD with organization anyway, and this is like crack for that. It is also a fantastic resource to see what other people are doing with the yarns in your stash, who else is knitting the patterns you are (or want to). I find myself logging in before I'm aware, and entering projects and surfing while I sit hungry and/or tired. Bad....but good!
I have to admit I am a little bummed, though. One of my New Year's Resolutions was to build a knitting database in Access, and after mapping it all out, brainstorming on what I want it to do, and building some of the underlying tables, I put it away and forgot about it. Then I get on Ravelry, and it's all what I had dreamt up and so much more. I am thrilled to have the resource, and it is way more than what my feeble database skills would have allowed....oh, wait. Why am I bummed? I'm just going to cross it off my list, and thank my lucky stars that they did it! Nevermind!
If you haven't signed up on the wait list, do it now! If you are on, I am under Darwinia. I have only about 10 projects up or so, but am adding more all the time. Here is a screen shot:

PHHHHT!!! Why didn't you come to my house and make me sign the waiting list? I'll be there some day... Only slightly over 4000 ahead of me. Stinkpot.
Or should I say DOCTOR Stinkpot. Ms. Stinkpot, PhD. Fancy pants. ;) Congrats on both accomplishments!
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